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Basic-BSN track (pre-licensure)

十大菠菜台子护理学院本科课程基础- bsn课程为学生提供了贯穿密歇根州东南部的各种临床经验, 该课程旨在培养具有批判性思维的护士, use evidence to develop, implement, and evaluate patient-centered nursing care, 并且准备在他们的专业护理事业中取得进步.

The Basic-BSN track will:

  • 为学生提供符合专业最高标准的护理教育.
  • 通过强调使用护理过程作为发展的批判性思维框架来促进专业发展, implementing, and evaluating patient-centered care across the lifespan
  • 促进基于道德的临床决策技能的发展, legal, and cultural perspectives.
  • 将循证实践的概念融入护理服务.
  • prepare students to be successful on the NCLEX-RN.
  • 培养终身学习的承诺,为学生在研究生阶段的进一步教育做好准备.

Please visit our Information Session 浏览网页,了解更多关于该项目的信息.

Direct Admission Criteria

Apply Now Transfer Scholarships Request Information Plan of Study

School of Nursing

Human Health Building, Room 3027
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733

M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.

潜在的基本BSN学生必须被十大菠菜台子录取,并在提交基本BSN申请之前设置他们的奥克兰电子邮件帐户. 联系公开大学招生办公室,电话:(248)370-3360获取信息或在线申请 59gexing.com/apply.

Prerequisite Coursework



BIO 1200 - Biology I


BIO 2006 – Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 


CHM 1040 – Introduction to Chemical Principles


CHM 2010 – Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry


PSY 1000 – Foundations of Contemporary Psychology


WRT 1060 or place out of


PHL 1000 (Formal Reason) or
PHL 1100 (Western Civilization) or
PHL 1300 (Intro to Ethics) or
PHL 1320 (Western Civilization)


MTH 0661 (see below)


The courses listed above are Basic-BSN-pre-nursing courses. Applicants must e在申请护理专业之前,所有课程的成绩都达到B-或更高. The five science classes listed above (BIO 1200, BIO 2006, CHM 1040, CHM 2010, and PSY 1000) comprise the pre-nursing GPA. A pre-nursing GPA of 3.0 or higher is required for admissions consideration. The pre-nursing GPA, along with an essay, a professional reference form, 在录取过程中会考虑性格评估.  

Conditional Admission

预修课程最后一学期的准学生, but will not be finished by the application deadline, may apply for c
onditional admission, 前提是他们完成了不超过两门必修课程,并且在课程开始日期之前收到了带有正式成绩单的课程. Offers of conditional admission are space-contingent and admission 优先考虑在申请截止日期前完成所有先决课程的申请人. The pre-req GPA for applicants seeking conditional admission will be calculated on completed classes. 未达到每门必修课程B-或更高的最低要求,且预修GPA不低于3分的申请人.0 will have their offer of admission rescinded.

To learn how courses could transfer to OU, refer to the Transfer Equivalency Tool ​​and Transfer Guides.​ Visit 59gexing.com/registrar/collegecredit for information regarding AP, IB, or CLEP placement.

* SAT数学成绩在490 - 540分(2016年3月之前为440 - 510分)或ACT数学成绩在18分及以上的申请人可以免除数学要求. 高级数学课程或十大菠菜台子数学分班考试也可以满足要求. For more information about course placement visit, 59gexing.com/fyac/courseplacement.

Prospective students seeking full admission may submit the BSN application upon admission to OU and completion of all prerequisite courses. 希望有条件录取的学生应该在他们的最后一个学期的先决条件课程中申请. 进入护理学院是竞争激烈的,完成先决课程并不能保证被录取.

Holistic Admission Review

In addition to completing the prerequisite courses in Step 2, applicants will be required to submit an essay, a professional reference form, and complete a character assessment. 这些额外的材料将由SON的教师进行审查和评分,并与预要求的GPA相结合,为每个申请人创建一个综合分数,该分数将用于决定是否进入基础BSN课程.

专业推荐表格由导师或教授提交,并说明性格, ethics, and the essential skills associated with the nursing profession.

未来的队列可能会看到对整体入学审查过程的进一步修订.  鼓励未来的学生关注此页面的更新.


The Basic BSN track admits in the fall and winter semesters, 申请截止日期分别为6月1日和10月1日. 所有必修课程必须在截止日期前完成. All official transcripts, including any applicable AP or CLEP test scores, 必须在截止日期前收到申请才会被考虑.

Previously admitted into a nursing program

任何从护理课程中被解雇或曾经获得两个或两个以上护理课程成绩为B-或更低的申请人必须首先获得SON的批准才能申请基本bsn课程. To obtain the Student Academic Standing Inquiry Form, visit the Forms page.

Health Requirements

被录取的学生需要在开始课程之前提交他们的临床健康要求. Please visit the Health Requirements tab on the Forms page for additional information.

基本BSN课程的申请只适用于一个学期,不会延续到后续的申请周期. 如果符合最低资格要求,被拒绝进入BSN计划的学生可以向SON申请下一个申请周期. 预修成绩不符合资格要求的学生或考虑重复预修以提高预修GPA的学生,强烈建议安排学术咨询预约,讨论他们的学习计划. Contact 248-364-8733 or [email protected] to schedule an appointment.


健康科学学院(SHS)和护理学院(SON)合作创建了健康与健康促进(WHP)到加速护理学二学位(ASD)学士(BSN)途径. 本课程适用于第一年学习后未获得基础护理学课程录取的护理学预科新生. 最多五名护理预科学生将通过WHP-ASD途径自动进入ASD项目. WHP-ASD课程的学生必须满足所有要求才能进入该课程 Undergraduate Catalog.